All Technical Papers articles – Page 15
Technical Papers
UHD for broadcast and the DVB Ultra HD-1 Phase 2 standard
The primary focus of this paper is to describe the different video options that will be used for broadcast or unicast over HTTP.
Technical Papers
A social experience for online TV
You can’t stay relevant as a broadcaster with a one-to-many communication strategy. It’s a two-way street now. More and more content is being consumed on other screens than the television, and often outside of the live broadcasting schedule.
Technical Papers
How true, synchronized live OTT can change the second screen and social TV game
CDNs and OTT video distribution platforms today use technologies such as HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) and MPEG-DASH, which use segmentation of the video streams and HTTP for delivery.
Technical Papers
Using metadata to maximise yield and expand inventory in TV – contextual advertising
In the space of the content (video) consumption on an OTT platform (using IPTV, mobile, tablet), showing contextual ads is a currently a function of global attributes only. From the content perspective, typically parameters like the content type, title, genre, language etc. are considered. While from a user profiling ...
Technical Papers
Metadata enriching technology as the key to effective target audience engagement and content monetization
The economy and its way to market its goods and services have been changing over the last decades. With the social transformation and the trend towards a pleasure and leisure oriented society, economic variations and new orientations have been established.