Immersive technology: A unique opportunity for the industry

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The broadcast industry has been experiencing a tremendous transformation since the arrival of the Internet, and digital convergence has become a reality, writes Genelec R&D Director Aki Makivirta.

The way media content is created, produced, distributed, shared and consumed has been undergoing a huge change. User’s habits have radically shifted and social media, as well as personalized services, have become popular.

While traditionally broadcasting services were offered by specific organisations and companies with a well-established business model, currently the line between the traditional broadcasters and IT-based companies has blurred.

Content need not necessarily be distributed over the air with dedicated closed networks, since IP and mobile systems have become a significant distribution channel for media content. This has been also visible on the floors of the broadcast trade shows, where mobile and IT manufacturers have recently become actively present.


Multi-platform production and distribution is no longer…

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