Producers’ organisation Pact has invited commissioners to a summit to discuss the ramifications of the rejection by Bectu members of new terms and conditions for a collective TV drama agreement.
Pact is organising the meeting with streamers and broadcasters, including the PSBs and Sky, to discuss what will happen when the current agreement between the indies and Bectu members runs out on 1 September.
The members of UK media and entertainment union Bectu voted last month to “overwhelmingly” reject proposals for a TV drama agreement offered by Pact.
Bectu held a ballot late last month on whether to accept Pact proposals for a collective TV drama agreement which include an hour shorter standard working day, unsocial hours pay, additional pay for prep and wrap, increased overtime and paid bank holidays.
Max Rumney, Pact Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Business Affairs, said: “The rejection by Bectu members of the new terms and conditions creates a problem that the independent producers cannot resolve on their own.”
“Heads of production are clear that demands such as no weekend working without crew approval and no overtime without crew approval will damage the ability to schedule and, in some cases, make it impossible to produce within budgets agreed.”
Rumney added: “Historically, the rates of pay in the sector reflected recognition of the need for some antisocial hours due to factors including the availability of locations and actors.”
“If Bectu’s priority is now to address the work-life balance, the question is how that can be funded. It will require a broader look at the financing and scheduling of production, and not simply a revision of terms and conditions alone.”
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